Monday, November 30, 2015

Melanie Martinez ♥

I love her 
"Everyone thinks that we're perfect,
please don't let them look through the curtains."

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Things I'm Thankful For ♥

     Alright, Thanksgiving is coming up soon, so I'm going to write a little about the things I'm thankful for!
     Of course, I'm thankful for having a roof above my head, being able to go to school, having food on my plate, and for the luxuries that my family and I have. I'm especially thankful for my mother, who pushed me extremely hard to get to high school, in an honors math class. I'm just as well thankful for both the family and friends that I have, and how they stay by my side. I have many musical or art-wise influences, and I'm thankful for those people or ideas pushing me forward.
     I'm also very grateful for the talents and hobbies that I have, that I probably do daily.
     Now, let's get into the less serious things I love.
     I'm of course thankful for amazing things like candy, video games, artsy markers, Nutella, books/authors, movies, tv, Netflix, etc. These are all probably things that the typical teenage girl would be thankful for, but why exclude them? Every little thing makes up a part of me, and I love all of me.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tyson Ritter ♥

Tyson Ritter from the "Gives You Hell" music video is so adorable ♥