Monday, February 29, 2016

The Art of, Well, Art ♥

     Before I start this post, I'd like to wish you all a happy Leap Year Day (idk, is it called that?) Also, to all those people whom are either lucky (or unlucky, I guess) enough to have their birthdays on this special day, happy birthday.
     I'd typically write something about how time flies by so fast, but I wanted to discuss something more dear to my heart, art (wow omg that rhymed). Art really isn't just a physical thing. If you have the right mindset to it, it can be more of a concept. Whether you're amazing or terrible, the idea is that you're transforming and molding your thoughts and feelings into something that someone can physically see.
     Another lovely thing about art is that you have an infinite number of mediums (supplies). You can work with anything, from paints to plastic bottles.
     Also speaking about choices, you can draw, sculpt, compose music, etc. All it takes is a thought, image, dream, or inspiration, and something to make it real.

     Now, I could really go into details and details about why I love the concept of art so much, but I'll leave that to you. Yes, you! Imagine and create, my friends!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Suddenly... [A Short Story Based on a Prompt] ♥

[Unfortunately, the picture is unavailable]
     Before I begin, I'd like to tell you a little bit about this weeks assignment. We were assigned to find an interesting picture and write anything you'd like about it. I chose the one above. If you enjoy writing, I encourage you to visit this website and try it out yourself! Anyways, here we go!
     Driving is terrible. It really is. I despise it with a strong passion. Today is a particularly horrid day to be driving, as well. It's 8:00 AM, the sky has just stopped pouring it's heavy tears onto the barren ground. Stick your nose out, and you smell the stench of damp and dank wood. The road is slippery - one wrong move could send someone spiraling off. One needs to devote all of their attention to the scenery in front of them, just in order to survive the gruesome task that is indeed, driving. 
     What is this! I got distracted, and some jerk in a truck carrying lumber cut me off! That jerk! I started off in a bad mood, but this guy passed the drawn line!
     Abandoning all principles of safety, and slammed on the acceleration pedal. My mind went blank and focused on the path in front of me. I was going to teach this guy a lesson. I kept getting closer.
     150 yards.
     100 yards.
     50 yards.
     50 feet.
     At 30 feet, I slammed on the brakes. So much angst and rage swept over me that I hadn't realized some of the wooden logs from the truck had fallen off and were hurling towards me. The brakes didn't help, nor did the slippery road. I braced myself for the worst.

     Then I woke up.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides ♥

     Recently, I've been listening to some more of Pierce the Veil's old songs. I found this beautiful gem, "Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides". It is my second favorite song from them, next to Caraphernelia.
     If you like Pierce the Veil, or are interested in listening to them, here's an amazing song to start with. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the music video due to school restrictions, but here's a link.