I'd typically write something about how time flies by so fast, but I wanted to discuss something more dear to my heart, art (wow omg that rhymed). Art really isn't just a physical thing. If you have the right mindset to it, it can be more of a concept. Whether you're amazing or terrible, the idea is that you're transforming and molding your thoughts and feelings into something that someone can physically see.
Another lovely thing about art is that you have an infinite number of mediums (supplies). You can work with anything, from paints to plastic bottles.
Also speaking about choices, you can draw, sculpt, compose music, etc. All it takes is a thought, image, dream, or inspiration, and something to make it real.
Now, I could really go into details and details about why I love the concept of art so much, but I'll leave that to you. Yes, you! Imagine and create, my friends!