Wednesday, December 16, 2015

One of My Favorite Christmas Gifts Received ♥

     Christmas is coming up soon! In fact, it's just next Friday! Wow, I can't believe how much the year has gone by! Last year, I remember receiving one of the best gifts ever! Now, this may sound lame to some of you, but it was and still is amazing to me. I got a huge box of 150 Prismacolor colored pencils. I basically have every shade in the rainbow, that you can think of. I'm super passionate about art, so I was hyped for this. With 150 colored pencils, you can draw or color just about anything! Honestly, it's so hard to choose between colors sometimes, they're also so beautiful and vibrant.
     With art, you put your imagination on a paper, for whomever you want to see. Everyone perceives art differently, and that's what I think is so beautiful about it. If you give me even a blank piece of paper, I will love it to death until the last moment that I use it, or even look at it!
     What's your favorite Christmas gift?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Portal 2 "Cooperation" ♥

Can we just appreciate this.

Undertale ♥

So, I wanted to talk a little bit about a new game that I bought a couple weeks ago, Undertale.
1. It's all pixel-like! So adorable!
2. The plot practically pulls you in!
"Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth as equals: humans and monsters. One day, a war broke out between them and, after a long series of battles, the humans were victorious. The greatest of their magicians sealed the monsters to the Underground with a magic barrier, while humans took control of the surface. However, the barrier is not a perfect seal, and the only point of entrance to the Underground is Mount Ebott."

3. You play as that human who fell from the surface to the Underground. Her name is Fritz. You must solve puzzles to get through certain rooms, and battle monsters to advance. Although, you don't have to kill monsters! You can take the pacifist way, and spare every single monster, or you can take the genocide way, doing the exact opposite.

4. Sans is my favorite character! He cracks a bunch of hilarious puns! I recently found out that he can be SUPER scary in battle, if you choose the genocide path.

5. The soundtrack is amazing! I've already started to learn some of the songs on my piano and guitar. I'll put in the video of the full OST (official soundtrack), if you'd like to listen! It fills you with determination, just like the game says!
6. I haven't played through the whole game yet, but I may keep this updated, for I'm taking the pacifist route first! Go Spaghettination!

My Debate Topic ♥

     Scrolling through some topics to debate for school, one of my friends came across a very interesting one: should bullies be held legally responsible (death penalty or jail/juvenile) if their bullying results in the victim's death (by suicide)?
     My first instinct, was to say yes, because the bully basically would've taken the victim's life. Then, I thought about it a little bit more, and came to the point where I was arguing with myself. Never would've expected that in my life!
     Turns out, this debate topic goes far deeper than ever imaginable. In class, we held this type of poll, where people would answer what they think and why on a piece of paper. My classmates' responses were ALL OVER THE PLACE. This pondering question basically split the class in half.
     People said yes for the same reason as I thought. The bully bullied a victim so much to the point that the victim broke and killed themselves. The bully should pay, for technically taking a life. That was the main reason.
     As for no, people believed that the bully shouldn't at least have a death penalty, because they didn't necessarily choose for the victim to commit suicide - it was the victim's choice. Jail or juvenile is always an option because the bully bullied in the first place. Taking another life wouldn't help the case of cruelty in our world.
     I'd like to hear about your ideas! Post in the comments below! Should bullies be held legally responsible if their victim commits suicide?

Friday, December 4, 2015

My Life Quotes ♥

"The sun will rise, and we will try again."
     ~Tyler Joseph
     This first quote means a lot to me because it basically means that if you have a bad day, tomorrow is another day, and you can always start over. The next day is always going to be a new chance to have a clean slate, and try to make your life as wonderful as possible. Be your best self. 
"So what if I'm crazy? The best people are."
     ~Melanie Martinez
     This next quote defines me a lot. It basically means that if there's something off about you, it doesn't mean that you're a bad person. The best people aren't your average people, they have very special qualities about them that makes them so amazing. 
"I'll soon forget the color of your eyes, and you'll forget mine."
     ~Vic Fuentes
     This quote means a lot to me because it basically says that you will meet people in your life that will really mean a lot to you, but eventually, you may lose them or forget about them. It's a huge grasp on reality that nothing gold can stay.
"Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of good chance of:
A. Indifference or
B. Disinterest in what the critics say."
     ~Brendon Urie
     I really love this quote because it tells you to be you, and not to care about anyone that judges. Don't give up on something you love just because someone else judges you for it or hates you for it. Life is doing what you love, and loving what you do.
"You are what you love, not who loves you."
     ~Patrick Stump
     This last quote just as well influences the phrase "be who you are, and do what you love,". Just like some of the others, this tells us to do and be what you love to be or do, no matter what anyone else thinks or says.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Melanie Martinez ♥

I love her 
"Everyone thinks that we're perfect,
please don't let them look through the curtains."

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Things I'm Thankful For ♥

     Alright, Thanksgiving is coming up soon, so I'm going to write a little about the things I'm thankful for!
     Of course, I'm thankful for having a roof above my head, being able to go to school, having food on my plate, and for the luxuries that my family and I have. I'm especially thankful for my mother, who pushed me extremely hard to get to high school, in an honors math class. I'm just as well thankful for both the family and friends that I have, and how they stay by my side. I have many musical or art-wise influences, and I'm thankful for those people or ideas pushing me forward.
     I'm also very grateful for the talents and hobbies that I have, that I probably do daily.
     Now, let's get into the less serious things I love.
     I'm of course thankful for amazing things like candy, video games, artsy markers, Nutella, books/authors, movies, tv, Netflix, etc. These are all probably things that the typical teenage girl would be thankful for, but why exclude them? Every little thing makes up a part of me, and I love all of me.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tyson Ritter ♥

Tyson Ritter from the "Gives You Hell" music video is so adorable ♥